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mRNA alternative polyadenylation (APA) is a critical mechanism that generates distinct 3' UTR isoforms for the same genes, which plays a significant role in influencing mRNA stability, translation efficiency and cellular localization (Gruber and Zavolan, 2019; Tian and Manley, 2017). The rapid rise of single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) has provided a powerful means for characterizing transcriptome of individual cells at unprecedented throughput and resolution (Ziegenhain, et al., 2017). Recently, computational approaches, including APA-seq (Levin, et al., 2020), scAPA (Shulman and Elkon, 2019), Sierra (Patrick, et al., 2020), scAPAtrap (Wu, et al., 2020) and scDaPars (Gao, et al., 2021), have been proposed to identify APA sites at the single-cell level from standard scRNA-seq protocols, such as CEL-seq (Hashimshony, et al., 2012), Drop-seq (Macosko, et al., 2015) and 10x Genomics (Zheng, et al., 2017). A large number of APA sites were captured from scRNA-seq in different cell types, a considerable part of which were undetectable from previous bulk RNA-seq or 3'-seq data. The compendium of APA sites, especially novel and/or rare ones, in single cells would bring the promise of investigating both common and rare cell types and contribute to the dynamic understanding of gene expression regulation at single-cell and isoform resolution.

scAPAdb provides a comprehensive and manually curated atlas of poly(A) sites, APA events and poly(A) signals at the single-cell level in six species based on a large volume of scRNA-seq data. Currently, scAPAdb records APA information in animal species including Homo sapiens (human), Mus musculus (mouse) as well as plant species including Oryza sativa L. (rice japonica and indica), Arabidopsis thaliana, Zea mays (corn) and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (Chlamy).

Data in scAPAdb are categorized by experiments or by studies. scAPAdb provides a very convenient search interface for querying gene(s) by commonly used keywords such as gene identifier, gene symbol/alias, gene description, gene function, and gene ontology (GO) ID. scAPAdb details poly(A) sites and APA events with annotation information including the respective genes, coordinates and genomic locations, as well as APA information in individual cells including number of supported reads, relative APA usage and weighted 3' UTR length. Moreover, the profile of gene expression, poly(A) signals and related sequences for poly(A) sites in different species are also available. In particular, scAPAdb is equipped a wealth of back-end programs and standard pipelines, which makes it highly scalable to integrate emerging scRNA-seq data in the future. As a user-friendly database, scAPAdb would be a valuable and extendable resource for the study of cell-to-cell heterogeneity in APA isoform usages and APA-mediated gene regulation at the single-cell level under diverse cell types, tissues, and species.

Schematic diagram of scAPAdb. (A) Data preprocessing and poly(A) site identification. (B) Back-end data of APA information stored in scAPAdb. (C) Functional modules in scAPAdb.

If you are using scAPAdb, please cite:
Sheng Zhu, Qiwei Lian, Wenbin Ye, Wei Qin, Zhe Wu, Guoli Ji, Xiaohui Wu*, scAPAdb: a comprehensive database of alternative polyadenylation at single-cell resolution, Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 50, Issue D1, 7 January 2022, Pages D365–D370, https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkab795

If you have any questions or comments, please email to xhwu@suda.edu.cn or xhuister@xmu.edu.cn (Dr. Xiaohui Wu).


Gao, Y., et al. (2021) Analysis of alternative polyadenylation from single-cell RNA-seq using scDaPars reveals cell subpopulations invisible to gene expression, Genome Res.
Gruber, A.J. and Zavolan, M. (2019) Alternative cleavage and polyadenylation in health and disease, Nature Reviews Genetics, 20, 1.
Hashimshony, T., et al. (2012) CEL-Seq: Single-Cell RNA-Seq by Multiplexed Linear Amplification, Cell reports, 2, 666-673.
Levin, M., et al. (2020) Gene expression dynamics are a proxy for selective pressures on alternatively polyadenylated isoforms, Nucleic Acids Res, 48, 5926-5938.
Macosko, E.Z., et al. (2015) Highly Parallel Genome-wide Expression Profiling of Individual Cells Using Nanoliter Droplets, Cell, 161, 1202-1214.
Patrick, R., et al. (2020) Sierra: discovery of differential transcript usage from polyA-captured single-cell RNA-seq data, Genome Biol, 21, 167.
Shulman, E.D. and Elkon, R. (2019) Cell-type-specific analysis of alternative polyadenylation using single-cell transcriptomics data, Nucleic Acids Res, 47, 10027-10039.
Tian, B. and Manley, J.L. (2017) Alternative polyadenylation of mRNA precursors, Nature reviews. Molecular cell biology, 18, 18-30.
Wu, X., et al. (2020) scAPAtrap: identification and quantification of alternative polyadenylation sites from single-cell RNA-seq data, Briefings in Bioinformatics.
Zheng, G.X., et al. (2017) Massively parallel digital transcriptional profiling of single cells, Nature communications, 8, 14049.
Ziegenhain, C., et al. (2017) Comparative Analysis of Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Methods, Molecular cell, 65, 631-643.e634.

scAPAdb pipeline: identification and annotation of polyadenylation sites from scRNA-seq data
1. Overview
scAPAdb provides a comprehensive and manually curated atlas of poly(A) sites, APA events and poly(A) signals at the single-cell level. We developed a pipeline for genome-wide identification and annotation of poly(A) sites from scRNA-seq data. Scripts for APA analyses in scAPAdb can be downloaded here.
2. Before You Start
2.1. Software Installation
Tools version:
Cell Ranger : 3.1.0
STAR : 2.7.8a
samtools : 1.12
fastq-dump : 2.8.0
regtools : 0.5.2
umi¬_tools : 1.1.1
featureCounts : 2.0.1
DREME : 5.3.3
Install the following tools:
Alignment software, such as STAR, and CellRanger.
#Get STAR source using bioconda
conda install star -c bioconda

# Get Cell Ranger source from releases
wget -O cellranger-3.1.0.tar.gz "https://cf.10xgenomics.com/releases/cell-exp/cellranger-3.1.0.tar.gz?Expires=1627058816&Policy=eyJTdGF0ZW1lbnQiOlt7IlJlc291cmNlIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9jZi4xMHhnZW5vbWljcy5jb20vcmVsZWFzZXMvY2VsbC1leHAvY2VsbHJhbmdlci0zLjEuMC50YXIuZ3oiLCJDb25kaXRpb24iOnsiRGF0ZUxlc3NUaGFuIjp7IkFXUzpFcG9jaFRpbWUiOjE2MjcwNTg4MTZ9fX1dfQ__&Signature=kW1lpq7UEJEcXttYKMcp9nvgQ6UsaVnNBQZ2eYjm29XCpMQMid-VAuk3PnbP97d54FinqT-8lsGnIr1ZKbBOu7WCJRsgc5GmbLI6jWg4EzsQje937iiL76v~Sp6LuVbfyLk~gzMyFPVipWYMcu3lXqWhkDHEFSZXYswF65ibAoaATakOJGNZvK2xD9Kb0JGpJRftkJppTVxBqtnQYpICVzlwFnVn8NJrrU8tjzcOwdFUPYMkWQhcvET1~aisJpHA8KeLU3Jg6XgbCDJ4m1ciy7koeoyuDR-hWNPGPiKWFyzFmp-5NiKGQ~10xBw3tM6oJSjlu~QEkMhTWKQpblgdJw__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAI7S6A5RYOXBWRPDA" 

tar -xzvf cellranger-3.1.0.tar.gz
Motif analysis tool, DREME, is available as part of the MEME Suite of motif-based sequence analysis tools
# Get meme-5.3.3 source from releases
wget -c https://meme-suite.org/meme/meme-software/5.3.3/meme-5.3.3.tar.gz

#install meme-5.3.3
tar zxf meme-5.3.3.tar.gz 
cd meme-5.3.3 
./configure --prefix=$HOME/meme --enable-build-libxml2 --enable-build-libxslt 
make test 
make install
Make sure all tools are installed on your computer
#Get softwares source using bioconda
conda install samtools -c bioconda
conda install umi¬_tools -c bioconda
conda install regtools -c bioconda
conda install subread -c bioconda
You can install SRA Toolkit to download raw sequence data, and then use fastq-dump to turn convert sra format into fastq format. (SRA Toolkit includes prefetch and fastq-dump.)
#Get sra-tools source using bioconda
conda install sra-tools -c bioconda
2.2. Preparation of Sequence Data
Prepare the following sequence data
A reference genome. You can download the reference genome (fasta format) from public databases, such as Ensembl, NCBI and UCSC. In addition, the annotation file (gtf/gff3 format) can also be downloaded. For example, the reference genome of Arabidopsis thaliana (TAIR10) is obtained from Ensembl.
#download reference genome
wget  –c ftp://ftp.ensemblgenomes.org/pub/plants/release-49/fasta/arabidopsis_thaliana/dna/Arabidopsis_thaliana.TAIR10.dna.toplevel.fa.gz
#download annotation gff3 file in gff3 format
wget –c ftp://ftp.ensemblgenomes.org/pub/plants/release-49/gtf/arabidopsis_thaliana/Arabidopsis_thaliana.TAIR10.49.gtf.gz
scRNA-seq data. We can download scRNA -seq data (fastq format) from public sequence repositories. For example, the data (SRR8257102) of Arabidopsis thaliana is downloaded from the Sequence Read Archive by SRA Toolkit.
#download sra
prefetch SRR8257102
#turn convert into fastq format
fastq-dump –O  /output-path/  SRR8257102.sra
Process fastq files
For 10x data, we need to rename fastq files for CellRanger.
mv ./ SRR8257102_1.fastq ./ SRR8257102_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq
mv ./ SRR8257102_2.fastq ./ SRR8257102_S1_L001_R2_001.fastq
mv ./ SRR8257102_3.fastq ./ SRR8257102_S1_L001_I1_001.fastq
For Drop-seq or CEL-seq2 data, we need to use umi_tools to extract barcodes and umis to read_id. (using --bc-pattern=CCCCCCCCNNNN for Cel-seq2 data).
umi_tools extract --bc-pattern=CCCCCCCCCCCCNNNNNNNN --stdin ./ SRR8206654_1.fastq \
--stdout ./ SRR8206654_1_extracted.fastq --read2-in ./ SRR8206654_2.fastq \
--read2-out=./ SRR8206654_2_extracted.fastq --filter-cell-barcode --whitelist ./barcodes.tsv
The output file "SRR82066544_2_extracted.fastq" will be used for sequence alignment with STAR.
3. Analysis Workflow
To illustrate the analysis workflow, the data (SRR8257102/SRR82066544) from Arabidopsis thaliana are taken as an example.
3.1. Sequence Alignment
We can use CellRanger to align the 10x data, or use STAR to align data from other protocols (such as Drop-seq, Cel-seq2 and indrop-seq).
3.1.1 Sequence Alignment with STAR
STAR is one of the most popular tools for sequence alignment. First, we need to generate genome indices.
STAR --runMode genomeGenerate \
   --runThreadN 16  \
   --genomeFastaFiles ./Arabidopsis_thaliana.TAIR10.dna.toplevel.fa \
   --genomeDir ./TAIR10
Then we can align the data to the reference genome. Here SRR8206654 is a drop-seq dataset.
STAR --runThreadN 18 
   --genomeDir ./TAIR10/ \
   --readFilesIn ./ SRR8206654_2_extracted.fastq \
   --outFilterMultimapNmax 1 \
   --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate \
   --outFileNamePrefix SRR8206654
The output file "SRR8206654Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam" is the alignment result (in bam format).
3.1.2. Sequence Alignment with CellRanger
Sequence Alignment with STAR
CellRanger is a popular tool for the 10x data sequence alignment. First, we need to generate genome indices.
cellranger mkref 
   --genome=./cellranger_TAIR10 \
   --fasta=./Arabidopsis_thaliana.TAIR10.dna.toplevel.fa \
   --genes=./Arabidopsis_thaliana.TAIR10.49.gtf \
Then we can align the data to the reference genome.
cellranger count --id=run_tair_SRR8257102 \
   --fastqs=./fastqs/ \
   --transcriptome=./ cellranger_TAIR10 \
The output file "run_tair_SRR8257102/outs/possorted_genome_bam.bam" is the alignment result (in bam format).
3.2. Identification of Poly(A) Sites from scRNA-seq
We followed the tutorial provided at the Sierra website and the scAPAtrap website to identify poly(A) sites with Sierra and scAPAtrap, respectively.
3.2.1. Identification of Poly(A) sites with scAPAtrap
scAPAtrap.R is an in-house R scripts that identifies poly(A) sites by using umi_tools, samtools and featureCounts. Please replace software paths in the R script with the paths in your own computer and modify variable “chrs” in the R script according to the species and the chromosome name in the bam file when you use scAPAtrap.
Rscript ./scAPAtrap.R TENX sample-name bam-file barcodes-file read-length
For example:
Rscript ./scAPAtrap.R TENX SRR8257102 ./run_tair_SRR8257102/outs/possorted_genome_bam.bam ./barcodes.tsv 115
3.2.2. Identification of Poly(A) Sites with Sierra
Sierra.sh is a shell script that identifies poly(A) sites by using in-house R scripts and regtools. We only use bam files generated by CellRanger to run Sierra, because Sierra needs the bam files with tags (CB and UB).
bash ./Sierra.sh ./Sierra.R bam-file barcodes-file GTF-file sample-name threads
For example:
bash ./Sierra.sh ./Sierra.R ./ possorted_genome_bam.bam ./barcodes.tsv ../cellranger_TAIR10/gene/genes.gtf SRR8257102 24
The output file “SRR8257102_peaks_annotation.txt” is the result and we use this file for further process.
3.3. Annotation of Poly(A) Sites
Convert Sierra results into movAPA format.
  ## path is the address path of sierra's output file
  ## gtf is the corresponding annotation gtf file path
  dirlist <- dir(path)
  peakdir <- dirlist[grep("_peak_annotations.txt",dirlist)]
  countdir <- dirlist[grep("_count$",dirlist)]
  peak_annotations <- read.delim(paste0(path,"/",peakdir))
  peak_annotations$coord <- 0
  peak_annotations[peak_annotations$strand == "+",]$coord <- peak_annotations[peak_annotations$strand == "+",]$end
  peak_annotations[peak_annotations$strand == "-",]$coord <- peak_annotations[peak_annotations$strand == "-",]$start
  PACds <- peak_annotations[,c("seqnames","start","end","strand","coord","gene_id")]
  colnames(PACds) <- c("chr","start","end","strand","coord","gene_id")
  PACds <- unique(PACds)
  anno <- annotatePAC(PACds, aGFF = gtf) 
  anno <- arrange(anno, chr,ftr_start) 
  count <- ReadPeakCounts(paste0(path,countdir,"/"))
  count <- as.data.frame(count)
  intpas <- rownames(anno)[rownames(anno) %in% rownames(count)]
  count <- count[intpas,]
  anno <- anno[intpas,]
  anno$gene_range <- rownames(anno)
  anno$gene <- gsub("[.].*","",anno$gene)
  anno <- anno[!is.na(anno$gene),]
  p <- readPACds(anno, colDataFile=NULL,noIntergenic=FALSE)
  p@anno$ftr_raw <- p@anno$ftr
  p <- ext3UTRPACds(p, 1000)
  panno <- arrange(p@anno, chr,ftr_start) 
  count <- count[panno$gene_range,]
  rownames(count) <- rownames(panno)
  puni <- unique(panno[,c("chr","coord","strand","ftr","gene")])
  colnames(count) <- gsub("-.*","",colnames(count))
  p@counts <- count[rownames(puni),]
  p@anno <- panno[rownames(puni),]
We use the movAPA R package to annotate poly(A) sites. The GTF file we use is the latest minor version of the GTF file for sequence alignment.
For example:
##Make sure chromosomes in scPACds are consistent with that in gff. 
scPACds <- annotatePAC(scPACds,gff)
scPACds <- ext3UTRPACds(scPACds,ext3UTRlen = 1000)
3.3. Compiling an APA atlas from different experiments of a study
We used known poly(A) sites collected from bulk 3′-seq as the reference to annotate poly(A) sites from scRNA-seq. If a poly(A) site from scRNA-seq is within ±10 nt of any reference poly(A) sites, then it is annotated with the nearest reference site. Otherwise the site was added to the reference list. Finally, we compiled a reference poly(A) site dataset for each species and poly(A) sites from individual studies of the same species were obtained based on the same reference.
Download the reference PAS dataset and pa-meta of each experiment through the Download page
new_annos <- annoMergePA(pa_anno,refPAS,"GSM2803334")
pa_annoNew <- new_annos[[1]]
new_refPAS <- new_annos[[2]]

## input
# pa_anno: the pa meta of an experiment
# annoDB: the reference PAS dataset
# source_name: the name of this polyA sites source
# obs: The deviation value of the intersection of the comparison ranges
## output
# pa_anno: The updated pa meta
# annoDB: The updated reference PAS dataset, and subsequent experiments can be matched based on this updated reference PAS dataset.

annoMergePA <- function(pa_anno,annoDB,source_name,obs=10){
  pb <- txtProgressBar(style=3)
  star_time <- Sys.time()  

  pa_anno$PA_id <- paste0("PA:",pa_anno$gene,":",pa_anno$coord)
  pa_anno$PA_id2 <- pa_anno$PA_id
  pa_anno$gene <- toupper(pa_anno$gene)
  annoDB$gene_id <-  toupper(annoDB$gene_id)
  sub_anno <- pa_anno[(pa_anno$gene %in% annoDB$gene_id),]
  #Judging whether there is an intersection by interval
  for(i in 1:nrow(sub_anno)){
    setTxtProgressBar(pb, i/nrow(sub_anno))
    gene_id <- sub_anno[i,]$gene
    coord <- sub_anno[i,]$coord
    start <- sub_anno[i,]$start
    end <- sub_anno[i,]$end
    ftr <- sub_anno[i,]$ftr
    PA_id <- sub_anno[i,]$PA_id
    ftr_start <- sub_anno[i,]$ftr_start
    ftr_end <- sub_anno[i,]$ftr_end
    sub_db <- annoDB[annoDB$gene_id == gene_id,]
    ref_start <- sub_db$start
    ref_end <- sub_db$end
    ranks <- rank(ref_start)
    ref_start <- ref_start[ranks] -obs
    ref_end <- ref_end[ranks] +obs
    loc <- ref_start < end & ref_end > start
    if(sum(loc) == 1){
      sub_anno[i,]$PA_id2 <- sub_db[ranks,]$PA_id[loc]
    }else if(sum(loc) > 1){
      ref_coord <- as.numeric(sub_db[ranks,]$coord[loc])
      loc2 <- which.min(abs(ref_coord-coord))
      sub_anno[i,]$PA_id2 <- sub_db[ranks,]$PA_id[loc][loc2]
      dt <- sub_db[1,]
      dt$PA_id <- PA_id
      dt$start <- start
      dt$end <- end
      dt$coord <- coord
      dt$ftr_start <- ftr_start
      dt$ftr_end <- ftr_end
      dt$source <- source_name
      annoDB <- rbind(annoDB,dt)
  locs <- match(rownames(sub_anno),rownames(pa_anno))
  pa_anno$PA_id2[locs] <- sub_anno$PA_id2
  No_anno <- pa_anno[!(pa_anno$gene %in% annoDB$gene_id),]
  new_anno <- No_anno[,c("PA_id","chr","start","end","strand","coord","ftr","gene","ftr_start","ftr_end")]
  if(nrow(new_anno) >1){
    new_anno$source <- source_name
    colnames(new_anno)<- colnames(annoDB)
    annoDB <- rbind(annoDB,new_anno)
  end_time <- Sys.time() 
  run_time <- end_time - star_time
3.4. Identification of Poly(A) Signal Motifs
We identified motifs near poly(A) sites using the MEME suite (DREME).
For example:
~/meme/bin/dreme -oc ./motif/up50nt -p ./fasta/ SRR8257102.up50nt.fa -k 6
~/meme/bin/dreme -oc ./motif/dn50nt -p ./fasta/ SRR8257102.dn50nt.fa -k 6
~/meme/bin/dreme -oc ./motif/upFar50nt -p ./fasta/ SRR8257102.upFar50nt.fa -k 6

In scAPAdb, we catalog APA datasets by experiments and studies, respectively. An experiment is a dataset from cells originating from the same common biological source or sequencing experiment, which is normally a GEO sample (accession in the form of GSM#) or an SRA experiment (accession in the form of SRX#). A study is a dataset containing multiple experiments, which is normally represented as a GEO data series (accession in the form of GSE#) or an SRA study (accession in the form of SRA#).
In scAPAdb, the Experiment page catalogs APA datasets by experiments, which can be filtered by different categories such as species, date of publish, sequencing protocol and tissue.

The webpage of detailed information of an experiment will be shown upon the selection of an experiment dataset card.
The "Experiment" page provides three metrics computed by scAPAtrap and/or Sierra to characterize the APA profile in this experiment:
1) PolyA Site: the polyA site expression profile.
2) APA Usage: each APA gene is denoted by the distal polyA site usage.
3) 3' UTR Length: each APA gene is denoted by the weigthed 3' UTR length.
Of note, Sierra is not applicable for some datasets that are non-10x, therefore, only results from scAPAtrap are shown.

In scAPAdb, we catalog APA datasets by experiments and studies, respectively. An experiment is a dataset from cells originating from the same common biological source or sequencing experiment, which is normally a GEO sample (accession in the form of GSM#) or an SRA experiment (accession in the form of SRX#). A study is a dataset containing multiple experiments, which is normally represented as a GEO data series (accession in the form of GSE#) or an SRA study (accession in the form of SRA#). To compile an APA atlas for a study, poly(A) sites from individual experiments of scAPAtrap were annotated with the reference poly(A) sites and then merged into a consensus list.

Similar to the Experiment results, the following four plots are shown for each study. Please see the for detailed explanation.
1) Box plot showing one APA metric (poly(A) site expression, PPUI, or 3' UTR length) in different cell types.
2) UMAP showing distribution of one APA metric in single cells.
3) UMAP showing 2D embeddings based on the gene expression profile.
4) Scatter plot showing correlation between gene expression and the selected APA metric.

We identified poly(A) signals for each cell type in each study of each species. Given the PA-matrix of each study, poly(A) sites expressed in each cell type were filtered and ordered by the expression level. To speed up calculation, if the number of poly(A) sites expressed in a cell type is higher than 5000, then only the top 5000 sites were retained for motif analysis. Sequences surrounding poly(A) sites (-200 to 200 nt) were extracted and single nucleotide compositions around poly(A) sites were calculated. The DREME function of MEME with default options (E-value threshold=0.05) was adopted to search motifs significantly enriched within the near upstream (-50 to 0 nt), far upstream (-50 to -100 nt) and downstream (0 to 50 nt) of poly(A) sites. According to previous studies on poly(A) signals, pentamers were searched for Chlamy and hexamers were searched for other species. Since scAPAtrap can determine the exact location of poly(A) sites by using the strategy of poly(A) read anchoring, we only used poly(A) sites identified by scAPAtrap for poly(A) signal identification.

The PolyA Site, APA Usage and 3' UTR Length pages under the APA index menu provide APA information in individual cells of each experiment, including poly(A) sites identified by scAPAtrap and Sierra, PPUI scores of APA genes and the weighted 3' UTR length (WUL) of APA genes.

The PPUI of poly(A) site i in cell j is calculated as the ratio of expression level of the proximal site to the sum of expression levels of all 3' UTR sites in the respective gene in sample j:

Given a gene with at least two polyA sites in 3' UTR, then WUL score can be calculated. For example, geneX has three polyA sites in 3' UTR. First we calculated the distance from each polyA site to the stop codon. Then

geneX Distance to stop codon Number of supported reads
PA1 l1 n1
PA2 l2 n2
PA3 l3 n3

For a given experiment, PPUI or WUL scores of a given gene or the overall score of all genes in individual cells are present, which can reflect APA dynamics (3' UTR shortening/lengthening) across cell types. A smaller PPUI or higher WUL means 3' UTR lengthening, i.e., higher usage of the distal poly(A) site. For instance, on the "Experiment" page of GSM2803334 showing one sample of the mouse sperm study, the overall distribution of mean PPUI scores of all genes in individual cells was visualized by UMAP and bar plot, which reflects the gradual shortening of 3' UTR in the transition from spermatocytes (SC) to elongating spermatids (ES).
Plots of "PolyA Site", "APA Usage" and "3' UTR length" in an experiment are similar. Please refer to for details.

scAPAdb provides a very convenient search interface for querying gene(s) by commonly used keywords such as gene identifier, gene symbol/alias, gene description, gene function, and gene ontology (GO) ID. Users can also search an experiment or a study by an accession number. A query with gene relevant keywords will lead to an intermediate page showing the experiments with at least one poly(A) site identified in the queried gene(s). Then users can choose to view the full APA information of the queried gene in a selected experiment. A query with accession number will directly lead to the page of the quired experiment or study. Take the Odf4 gene for example, which has been reported to play an important role in sperm tails. After searching for this gene in the database, an intermediate page opens, which shows a detailed gene list associated with the input keyword. By clicking the gene of interest (here is ENSMUSG00000032921), a new page opens to show all experiments containing this gene. By clicking the dataset card of the experiment GSM2803334, detailed information of the gene and the usage of poly(A) sites across cell types. Two poly(A) sites were detected in the 3 UTR and extended 3 UTR of this gene by scAPAtrap, whereas only one poly(A) site was identified by Sierra. The read coverage of the distal poly(A) site in this gene is increased from SC to ES, suggesting the APA dynamics of 3 UTR shortening during mouse spermatogenesis. APA dynamics across cell types quantified by the PPUI or WUL score also reflect the gradual 3' UTR shortening in the transition from SC to ES. The scatter plot shows the correlation between the profile of the APA usage and gene expression.

The Download page provides batch download of data in the database. For each experiment or study, different files are available for download to meet the users' needs.
An experiment is a dataset from cells originating from the same common biological source or sequencing experiment, which is normally a GEO sample (accession in the form of GSM#) or a SRA experiment (accession in the form of SRX#).

For each experiment, we provided the following files for download, including the gene-cell expression matrix, the metafile, the poly(A) site files generated by scAPAtrap and Sierra.

gene.csv The gene-cell expression matrix, with each row being a gene and each column being a cell. This file is normally obtained from public database like PanglaoDB, otherwise it is generated by tools like CellRanger.
meta.csv The meta file containing the cell barcode, cell type, and UMAP coordinates.

For either scAPAtrap or Sierra, we provided the following files for download.

polyasite_counts.csv The poly(A) site expression matrix, with each row being a poly(A) site and each column being a cell. The value is the poly(A) site expression denoted by the number of supported 3' reads.
usage_counts.csv The PPUI matrix containing the relative usage of the proximal poly(A) site, with each row being a gene and each column being a cell. The value is the PPUI score. Only genes with at least two poly(A) sites in 3' UTR or extended 3' UTR were used.
length_counts.csv The WUL matrix containing the weighted 3' UTR length, with each row being a gene and each column being a cell. The value is the weighted 3' UTR length. Only genes with at least two poly(A) sites in 3' UTR or extended 3' UTR were used.
pa_meta.csv The meta file recording the annotation of poly(A) sites, with each row being a poly(A) site. This matrix includes the following columns:
  • PA_id, the id of the poly(A) site;
  • chr, the chromosome;
  • strand, the strand of + or -;
  • coord, the coordinate of the site;
  • start, the start coordinate of the range of the site;
  • end, the end coordinate of the range of the site;
  • gene, the gene name.

A study is a dataset complied from multiple experiments, which is normally represented as a GEO data series (accession in the form of GSE#) or a SRA study (accession in the form of SRA#). The current version of scAPAdb provides the atlas of poly(A) sites compiled from results of scAPAtrap. For each study, we provided the following files for download, including the metafile, the poly(A) site files compiled from different experiments.

barcodes.csv The meta file containing the cell barcode, batch of an experiment, and cell type labels.
Integrate_counts.csv The compiled gene-cell expression matrix, with each row being a gene and each column being a cell.
polyasite_counts.csv The compiled poly(A) site expression matrix, with each row being a poly(A) site and each column being a cell. The value is the poly(A) site expression denoted by the number of supported 3' reads.
usage_counts.csv The compiled PPUI matrix containing the relative usage of the proximal poly(A) site, with each row being a gene and each column being a cell. The value is the PPUI score. Only genes with at least two poly(A) sites in 3' UTR or extended 3' UTR were used.
length_counts.csv The compiled WUL matrix containing the weighted 3' UTR length, with each row being a gene and each column being a cell. The value is the weighted 3' UTR length. Only genes with at least two poly(A) sites in 3' UTR or extended 3' UTR were used.
pa_meta.csv pa_meta.csv is only the high variable polyA sites obtained by applying Seurat's FindVariableFeatures on the polysite_counts matrix (similar to HVGs of the Seurat package). The names of these polyA sites have been unified by matching to reference PAS datasets. This matrix includes the following columns:
  • PA_id, the id of the poly(A) site;
  • chr, the chromosome;
  • strand, the strand of + or -;
  • coord, the coordinate of the site;
  • start, the start coordinate of the range of the site;
  • end, the end coordinate of the range of the site;
  • gene, the gene name.
The polyA sites in pa_meta.csv can be considered as PA markers. If you want to get all the pa meta, you can extract it through the reference PAS dataset of the corresponding species. Please refer to to see how to unify different pa meta

In addition to the APA content, the full list of the reference genome assembly and genome annotation for each species, and relevant bioinformatics workflows used in scAPAdb are also described.

Reference PAS dataset

To compile an APA atlas for a study, we used known polyA sites collected from bulk 3′-seq as the reference to annotate polyA sites from scRNA-seq.
The Download page provides reference PAS datasets of different species that we have prepared. Each reference PAS dataset contains the following information.

PA_id The id of the polyA site after integration, which is composed of "PA", gene id, and coord
chr The chromosome name
start The start position of the poly(A) site cluster
end The end position of the poly(A) site cluster
strand The strand of "+" or "-"
coord The coordinate of the polyA site
ftr The gene region where polyA site is located.
gene_id the gene id
source The annotation source of this polyA site

1. How the cell types are annotated in scAPAdb?

The R scripts and related resources for cell type annotation are provided here.

In scAPAdb, we tried to collect cell type labels from original papers or public resource platforms like PanglaoDB, however, there are still many papers that did not provide cell type annotation files. In such cases, we inferred cell types from the gene-cell expression matrix using computational pipelines. Generally, cell type information in scAPAdb is mainly obtained by the following three sources: i) cell type information provided in the original paper (if any); ii) cell type information provided in PanglaoDB (if any); iii) collecting as many marker genes as possible from CellMarker (Zhang, et al., 2018), PanglaoDB, the source of the data and related papers, and then inferring cell types by computation. Among these species, the data of Arabidopsis mainly comes from several newly published papers. We referred to the annotation methods of two studies (Shahan, et al., 2020; Shulse, et al., 2019) to annotate cell types for each single cell rather than cell clusters. For other species, we cluster cells first by Seurat (Stuart, et al., 2019) and then annotate cell types by AUcell (Aibar, et al., 2017). For the PBMC (Peripheral blood mononuclear cell) data, in addition to marker genes from CellMarker and PanglaoDB, we also collected marker genes from some PBMC-related papers (Oksvold, et al., 2014; Sinha, et al., 2018; Zheng, et al., 2017).

For Arabidopsis, we basically followed the way in Shulse, et al. (Shulse, et al., 2019) to infer cell types, but we referred to Shahan, et al. (Shahan, et al., 2020) to infer cell type for each single cell rather than for each cell cluster. This is because that majority of scRNA-seq data in Arabidopsis are from the same tissue (root) and there are rich resources on bulk gene expression data, which provides sufficient information for inferring cell types for individual cells. We compiled gene markers from all current scRNA-seq studies on Arabidopsis, and collected bulk gene expression profiles from published microarray and RNA-seq data as reference (Brady, et al., 2007; Li, et al., 2016). Then we inferred the cell type for each cell by three ways as in (Shulse, et al., 2019). i) We calculated the Pearson correlation coefficient between the expression profile of each cell and the reference gene expression profile. ii) We combined the cell-type specific gene expression profiles available in Arabidopsis Gene Expression Database (AREX: http://www.arexdb.org) (also provided in (Shahan, et al., 2020)) to compute the ICI (index of cell identity) score of each cell to quantify the relative weight of each cell type. iii) We used AUCell to calculate whether a critical subset of the marker gene set is enriched within the expressed genes for each cell and assigned the cell type with the highest score to the cell. If a cell is defined as the same cell type in at least two ways, then the cell type is assigned to the cell. We then used cells with assigned cell types to determine cell types for remaining cells without assigned cell type. Briefly, we first obtained the reference gene expression profile for each cell type by using highly variable genes in each cell type, and then calculated the Pearson correlation coefficient between the expression profile of each cell without assigned cell type and the reference expression profile. The cell type with the highest correlation is assigned to the respective cell.

Of note, cell type annotation is a non-trivial task, there is currently no best method. Research groups from single-cell studies usually refine cell types inferred from computational pipelines by manual inspection. For datasets without available cell type information, we have tried our best to collect comprehensive markers and additional resources to annotate cell types. Therefore, the cell type annotation in scAPAdb may not be exactly the same as (but similar to) that in the respective paper. scAPAdb does use the cell type information to visually display the APA information under different cell types for users' reference. However, the APA content (including the poly(A) site expression, APA usage and 3' UTR length) does not depend on cell type annotations. After downloading the APA data, users can perform additional analysis based on their own cell type annotations.

2. What is the difference between an experiment and a study?

In scAPAdb, we catalogue APA datasets by experiments and studies, respectively. An experiment is a dataset from cells originating from the same common biological source or sequencing experiment, which is normally a GEO sample (accession in the form of GSM#) or an SRA experiment (accession in the form of SRX#). A study is a dataset containing multiple experiments, which is normally represented as a GEO data series (accession in the form of GSE#) or an SRA study (accession in the form of SRA#).

To compile an APA atlas for a study, poly(A) sites from individual experiments were first annotated with the reference poly(A) site dataset from bulk 3'-seq and then merged into a consensus list. Of note, we only used poly(A) sites obtained from scAPAtrap for compiling a study because scAPAtrap can identify the precise position of poly(A) sites. Briefly, we used known poly(A) sites collected from bulk 3'-seq as the reference to annotate poly(A) sites from scRNA-seq. If a poly(A) site from scRNA-seq is within ±10 nt of any reference poly(A) sites, then it is annotated with the nearest reference site. Otherwise the site was added to the reference list. Finally, we compiled a reference poly(A) site dataset for each species and poly(A) sites from individual studies of the same species were obtained based on the same reference. The inclusion of known poly(A) sites from bulk 3'-seq helps to unify the annotation of single-cell poly(A) sites from different experiments from the same study, which contributes to obtaining a more comprehensive poly(A) site database.

3. What APA information is provided in scAPAdb?

For each cell, we provided three kinds of APA information: 3’ UTR poly(A) site expression, the proximal poly(A) site usage index (PPUI) for 3' UTR-APA genes, and the weighted 3' UTR length (WUL) for 3' UTR-APA genes. Poly(A) sites were identified from scAPAtrap or Sierra for each experiment. Then a poly(A) site expression matrix (hereinafter referred as PA-matrix) was obtained for each experiment, with each row being a poly(A) site and each column being a cell. Based on the PA-matrix, we quantified the APA usage for APA genes in individual cells with two APA metrics using the movAPA package (Ye, et al., 2020), PPUI and WUL. Both metrics have been widely used in many studies to explore APA dynamics (Fu, et al., 2016; Ulitsky, et al., 2012; Xia, et al., 2014). PPUI of a gene is calculated as the ratio of the read count of the proximal poly(A) site to the total read count of all poly(A) sites in 3' UTR. WUL of a gene is defined as the average 3' UTR length of all 3' UTR sites weighted by the number of supported reads (i.e., UMIs) of each poly(A) site. A smaller PPUI or a higher WUL score indicates gain of the distal poly(A) site usage, i.e., 3' UTR lengthening of this gene.

4. How to compile an APA atlas from different experiments of a study?

In scAPAdb, we catalogue APA datasets by experiments and studies, respectively. An experiment is a dataset from cells originating from the same common biological source or sequencing experiment, which is normally a GEO sample (accession in the form of GSM#) or an SRA experiment (accession in the form of SRX#). A study is a dataset containing multiple experiments, which is normally represented as a GEO data series (accession in the form of GSE#) or an SRA study (accession in the form of SRA#). To compile an APA atlas for a study, poly(A) sites from individual experiments were first annotated with the reference poly(A) site dataset from bulk 3′-seq and then merged into a consensus list. Of note, we only used poly(A) sites obtained from scAPAtrap for compiling a study because scAPAtrap can identify the precise position of poly(A) sites. Briefly, we used known poly(A) sites collected from bulk 3′-seq as the reference to annotate poly(A) sites from scRNA-seq. If a poly(A) site from scRNA-seq is within ±10 nt of any reference poly(A) sites, then it is annotated with the nearest reference site. Otherwise the site was added to the reference list. Finally, we compiled a reference poly(A) site dataset for each species and poly(A) sites from individual studies of the same species were obtained based on the same reference. The inclusion of known poly(A) sites from bulk 3′-seq helps to unify the annotation of single-cell poly(A) sites from different experiments from the same study, which contributes to obtaining a more comprehensive poly(A) site database.


Aibar, S., et al. SCENIC: single-cell regulatory network inference and clustering. Nat Methods 2017;14(11):1083-1086.
Brady, et al. A High-Resolution Root Spatiotemporal Map Reveals Dominant Expression Patterns. Science 2007.
Fu, H., et al. Genome-wide dynamics of alternative polyadenylation in rice. Genome Res. 2016;26(12):1753-1760.
Li, S., et al. High-Resolution Expression Map of the Arabidopsis Root Reveals Alternative Splicing and lincRNA Regulation. Dev Cell 2016;39(4):508-522.
Oksvold, M.P., et al. Expression of B-Cell Surface Antigens in Subpopulations of Exosomes Released From B-Cell Lymphoma Cells. Clinical Therapeutics 2014;36(6):847-862.e841.
Shahan, R., et al. A single cell Arabidopsis root atlas reveals developmental trajectories in wild type and cell identity mutants. In.; 2020.
Shulse, C.N., et al. High-Throughput Single-Cell Transcriptome Profiling of Plant Cell Types. Cell Rep 2019;27(7):2241-2247 e2244.
Sinha, D., et al. dropClust: efficient clustering of ultra-large scRNA-seq data. Nucleic Acids Res 2018;46(6):e36.
Stuart, T., et al. Comprehensive Integration of Single-Cell Data. Cell 2019;177(7):1888-1902.e1821.
Ulitsky, I., et al. Extensive alternative polyadenylation during zebrafish development. Genome Res. 2012;22(10):2054-2066.
Xia, Z., et al. Dynamic analyses of alternative polyadenylation from RNA-seq reveal a 3 '- UTR landscape across seven tumour types. Nat. Commun. 2014;5.
Ye, W., et al. movAPA: Modeling and visualization of dynamics of alternative polyadenylation across biological samples. Bioinformatics 2020.
Zhang, X., et al. CellMarker: a manually curated resource of cell markers in human and mouse. Nucleic Acids Research 2018;47(D1):D721-D728.
Zheng, G.X., et al. Massively parallel digital transcriptional profiling of single cells. Nature communications 2017;8:14049.