
  Basic Information
Experiment GSM3637737 Study GSE127724
Organism Mus musculus (mm10) Tissue Visual cortex
Protocol 10X Sample# 1
Sample Run SRR8689256
Reference Wester, J. C., et al. (2019). Neocortical Projection Neurons Instruct Inhibitory Interneuron Circuit Development in a Lineage-Dependent Manner. Neuron 102(5): 960-975.e966.

Gene# 17723 Cell# 5912
PolyA site# Gene with polyA site#
APA event# Gene with APA event#
Cell types 4

  APA Usage
Box plot showing in different cell types
UMAP showing 2D embeddings of celltypes based on the gene expression profile
UMAP showing distribution in single cells
Scatter plot showing correlation between gene expression and